Thursday, January 24, 2008

"The Great Drunken Spending Orgy Is Nearly Over"

Well, I promised the economic dirt, and this blog has enough mud for all the housing the federales will be forced to build after the bankrupt middle-class loses its price-inflated equity-deprived dwellings. That's right people: Worthless dollar bills are about to hit the fan.
Then again, they may not. What do I know, really?
Anyways, The Health Ranger thinks so and he PREDICTED THIS WHOLE DAMN MESS BACK IN 2005 (don't worry, the article I link to refers to the prediction).
He's not a psychic, he just lives on superfoods and really expensive supplements. Coppercrotch's theory: His brain thinks more clearly, with higher-grade logic than most since it isn't clogged with bong resin, whiskey goo and Lunchables' preserve.
I highly encourage you to read to entire article, but I know you won't. So I've taken the liberty of cutting and pasting the best/most useful junk below.

Making The Case


"Americans have been convinced over the last seven years that housing prices would rise forever, allowing people to simply extract money from their home equity as if their house were some sort of giant ATM machine." (emphasis mine)

"...'economic good times'... powered by astonishingly fraudulent lending practices by dishonest banks..." (emphasis mine)


"And the worst part of it all? The only way out of this financial mess is for the Federal Reserve to steal yet more money from the American people by printing more money and hyperinflating the currency." (emphasis, the Health Ranger's)

"...this nation won't learn its lessons about the laws of economics until the currency is near-worthless, the population is destitute, the banks are owned by wealthy foreigners and the neighborhoods are boarded up and abandoned due to a massive wave of foreclosures." (again, emphasis his)

"...the Federal Reserve is going to be trying (in vain) to print its way out of the debt implosion by creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air -- an act that quietly steals money from the people due to the loss of purchasing power (inflation)."


1) Own Your Car 2) Own Your Home 3) Stop spending money on stupid overpriced things 4) Protect Your Health 5) Own Productive Land 6) Own A Bicycle 7) Diversify Your Money, Son


The fucking US government is going to have to re-evaluate their spending habits. See below the top three WASTES the US puts money into:

"1) WAR: Department of Defense + Veterans' benefits ($580.5 billion)
2) DISEASE: Medicare + Medicaid ($614.1 billion)
3) DEBT: Debt to the people (Social Security + Welfare) and to debt holders (interest on national debt) ($1,115.4 billion)

What's fascinating about all this is that these three things take up 85% of the federal budget! (Total 2006 federal budget was $2.7 trillion.)" (emphasis his)


"The Plunge Protection Team in Washington (and at the Fed) will do their best to keep propping up this economy like a Weekend At Bernie's."

You don't read Weekend At Bernie's jokes all too often. Score.

Good Luck, friends. Link to full article here.

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