Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Stab at Keeping You Semi-Informed

Newstarget changed their name to Natural News. I don't personally endorse this switch as I find the name "Newstarget" punchy and ballsy -- hence, legitimate. "Natural News" screams HIPPIE and I am no patchouli-stank hippie. But the articles keep coming nonetheless, and there were some toothy ones this past week!

Eli Manning sold his soul to Oreo Cookies, and now the back-fat of America's youth is his responsibility.

Really though, the Health Ranger does make a fabulous point here about endorsement deals, "Celebrities who accept money in exchange for appearing in commercials have an ethical duty to fully understand the effects of what they're promoting." And what do I say? Watching that new Manning/Oreo commercial was like hearing a stoner storyboard his bad acid trip, and if you can't avoid toxic chemical promotion, at least promote clever advertising. LINK

Even Diet-Vanilla-Cherry-Pie-Crust-Dr. Pepper isn't "good" for you.

Yep, that's right. More scientific studies continue to prove that soda (whether regular or diet) and/or carbonated beverages cause health woes. Talk about the biggest surprise of my day! LINK

The Mediterranean way of eating keeps you from disease, and you live longer.

"Deaths from any cause were significantly lower for both men and women in the Mediterranean diet group along with a significantly lower risk for death from cancer or cardiovascular disease."
Hey, I don't want cancer as much as the next guy -- but how long a life are we talking here? I'm not sure I'm aiming for my nineties either. Although, I suppose I'd rather face emotional pain and probable loneliness than debilitating chemotherapy and dementia... alright, pass the fish. LINK

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