Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hollywood Royalty Love to Talk of Earth-Saving, Do Not Save Earth Ever

John Travolta? No, he probably doesn't have it, PRIVATE JET FUEL is quite costly these days. Leo DiCaprio owns a Prius, and poisoned altruism in general as he led the humanitarian lip-service paid by Hollywood in Earth Day sound-bytes and Gap Ads, maybe he could cough up the 8 mill. Isn't Barbara Streisand against fur? That might be Sharon Stone... Oprah? Hell, that guy who won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting is always runnin' his yapper about liberal-minded shit... god, what was his name again? Paris Hilton likes Africans... both kinds... Brangelina -- quit buying children and pay some of America's goddamn bills already!

Anyways, my taxes are tied up in war costs and medicare pharmaceutical supplements, can't an exorbitantly-paid celebrity just pay the money to preserve the lands at Yellowstone? It would give them weeks of shower-nozzle masturbation material... "I can act AND I give generously AND I bought six pairs of shoes this week... I am good... so good... mmmmm...which car should I take later?... which stroller should I use?... LUPE! LUPE! Where's my banana smoothie???"

Jerri Lor-Lor and I had a discussion along these lines at breakfast on Saturday. Isn't it about time that the rich and useless actors of the world start taking care of some shit? THE US TREASURY DOES NOT HAVE THE MONEY. Education was cut in San Francisco to the tune of 500 TEACHER'S JOBS. And the Guardian posed the legitimate question: Why can't some wealthy hoarder just pay the fucking bill? We allow the upper one percent of the tax bracket to get away with MATERIAL GREED AND EXCESS - like to a RIDICULOUS DEGREE - but no one calls them out on it? They attempt to quell their innate embarrassment for such undeserved wealth by donating comparatively small sums to faceless charities, but why can't they be guilted (or bullied) into giving up real cash to supplement federal and state-funded programs that affect regular folks? I say the grassroots backlash should begin. Allow me to be the first anti-celebrity: Quit publicly sucking your own vagina, Oprah, and save Yellowstone already!

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