Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Consumer Safety Alert: The Natural Food Flakes Were Right After All

Although I did eat two bites of Chicken Adobo on Saturday to satisfy cooking self-esteem woes of a certain Filipino lesbian I know, I gave up meat - ESPECIALLY-processed meat a few years ago. No scientist or doctor needs to tell me what common sense already does: Adding chemicals to food cannot be good for one's health.
A recent article from fucking comes right out and says it: "Processed meats, the report explains, are simply too dangerous for human consumption. And why? Because they contain chemical additives that are known to greatly increase the risk of various cancers,including colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia,brain tumors, pancreatic cancer and many more."
Hey Asshole Over There With the Hot Dog! You can quit giving my cig the stink eye now.

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