Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mad Cows = Mad Parents, Dead Children

A young lady in Virginia ate some beef and now she's gonna dai. Culprit? Most likely a dirty dirty dirty cow.

I'm hardly one for extolling fear tactics as a way to curb lifestyle choices. (Alright, on this blog, I do regularly mention D E A T H as being generally undesirable, sometimes desirable, absolutely imminent and in every thing we touch, feel, hear and love. Guilty.)

However, if you knew your Big Mac could infect you with an immediate, incurable illness leading directly to a painful expiration, a path void of hope and hinging on the out-and-out need for God's own supernatural hand to intervene, would you still indulge? We generally avoid such "treats" due to their fat content and long-term health effects. The contiguous beat of knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door would seem to be a worthy deterrent. Is it?

Same deal with cigs - which is why I'm quitting. Then, when I ramble about health issues, all hypocrisy will be washed away, and I can maintain a clean, self-righteous lean without fear of retribution! And, as a Christian nation, isn't justifiable judgement R E A L L Y what we all want?

Fox News Article via Organics Consumer

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