Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reason #459 to Wonder Why God Doesn't Just Kill Us All

It seems like we continually abandon self-governance and independent thought, replacing it with dogma and an established religious (or otherwise) framework for "ideas". We can't conceptualize the spirit of the law because we are so obsessed with letter of the law. All things considered, American Christians are the most wishy-washy faithful, especially compared to the ideological purist Sudanese Muslim mindset. I know this has all been said before "blah blah religious zeal has cost more lives than any other group effort in the history of man blah blah". And "isn't God supposed to BE love?" Is Allah supposed to be love? Admittedly, I don't know much about what I'm writing here. But i will say this: THINK. It seems to follow, if you're thinking, really thinking, considering, having a real internal dialogue with your brain, you will avoid making irrational knee-jerk reactionary decisions.
We should be more evolved than this by now. This poor teacher, doing her due diligence as an educator, motivating your youngsters in a thankless, piss-poor wage environment, a fucking bloody civil war looming at her doorstep, Was her heart not in the right place? Did she have malice of forethought? Does the punishment fit the crime? Naming a teddy bear Muhammad is a CRIME? Need I even say it? Jesus Christ.

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