Monday, December 3, 2007

Perspective Check: I Self-Centeredly Can't Find One Today

How of(t)en do you meet someone (a boy, let's say) who you overlap with so irritatingly lovely that not only do you both have your coffee black, but when forced to purchase it from S****ucks, you both rebelliously refuse to abide by their Third Reichian framework, defying group conventionality, and ordering, with resolve in your voice (and some embarrassment in your heart) "medium coffee" rather than "grande drip"? And yet, he hasn't called you since more than a week ago and his last text was three fucking days past?? Shit's messed up.
Then I have to hear my sister go on and on about the elderly, DYING clients she sees on a daily basis, laundry-listing their diseases for me "emphysema, Alzheimer's, diabetes" and how their beds are set up in the living room and how "she had a coughing fit that lasted like a half hour" and "she's only 65 - WHICH IS YOUNG WHEN YOU'RE THAT OLD" and how they all have one common phrase when she sees them "TIME JUST WENT SO FAST" and now I am forcibly contemplating my own fucked up habits and how they will catch up with me and the only positive thing I can say is the healthier ones drank a lot, they claim (but what constitutes "a lot" really?) so I might just be OK RIGHT BEFORE I DIE.
And I thought my day would improve after I walked through the HUMAN FECES on my way into the office.

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